Final Organization Outline

 Water Stewardship Final Outline

For the remainder of the semester, I plan to continue to use blog posts for my product display and final product. The outline will be as follows:

Flood Plain Maps and Alluvial Soils: Pick an area of flood plain within Lockwoods Folly Watershed and use ArcGIS and FEMA flood mapping tools to illustrate the area. 

    Due: 11/13

Dendrology Part 2: Review dendrology slide show made in September and make adjustments as needed. (I already completed the full assignment in September). 

    Due 11/20

Peer Feedback: Review classmates blogs and provide feedback to 1-2.

    Due 11/23

Build a Mobile App: Review MIT's Mobile App Inventor and provide feedback on the videos. 

    Due 12/4

Archive Individual Products: Upload all individual products that are in the blog to Canvas. 

    Due 12/9

Final Review of Watershed Products: Look over and refine all products. Ensure all are available for public review and submit the final link to the Lockwoods Folly Watershed blog. 

    Due 12/11


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