
Lockwoods Folly Watershed Flood Plain and Alluvial Soils

 The Lockwoods Folly Watershed is located in Southeastern, North Carolina. This gives the watershed a unique location for flooding and soil types. Flooding is common throughout the region because of the Atlantic Ocean, vast rivers (Lockwoods Folly and Cape Fear Rivers), elevation to sea level, and the vast number of tributaries.  This image shows the entire Lockwoods Folly Watershed. The blue area represents flood plains. As shown, there is a large amount of land cover that is at risk for flooding.  This image shows a zoomed in area of the watershed. The dark blue indicates the highest flooding zones. This image (and the previous image) are provided by the North Carolina Flood Risk Information System (FRIS).  This image (and below) is provided by the USDA. The Web Soil Survey shows the corresponding soil types with the selected ROI's. This image shows the entire Lockwoods Folly Watershed in satellite view. This is a smaller selected area in the middle of the Lockwood...

Final Organization Outline

  Water Stewardship Final Outline For the remainder of the semester, I plan to continue to use blog posts for my product display and final product. The outline will be as follows: Flood Plain Maps and Alluvial Soils: Pick an area of flood plain within Lockwoods Folly Watershed and use ArcGIS and FEMA flood mapping tools to illustrate the area.      Due: 11/13 Dendrology Part 2: Review dendrology slide show made in September and make adjustments as needed. (I already completed the full assignment in September).      Due 11/20 Peer Feedback: Review classmates blogs and provide feedback to 1-2.     Due 11/23 Build a Mobile App: Review MIT's Mobile App Inventor and provide feedback on the videos.      Due 12/4 Archive Individual Products: Upload all individual products that are in the blog to Canvas.      Due 12/9 Final Review of Watershed Products: Look over and refine all products. Ensure all are available for pub...

Current Issues of Lockwoods Folley Watershed

 There are many issues, most of which are anthropogenic, that local watersheds are facing. Here is a presentation of what the Lockwoods Folley Watershed is dealing with. 


Image by: Haileigh Taylor  Winding tributaries of Oak Island, NC.  The Lockwoods Folly Watershed has unique characteristics due to its location in North Carolina. Here is a presentation on these characteristics! 

Map of Lockwoods Folly Watershed

  Here is an outline of the Lockwoods Folly Watershed. This watershed is located in Coastal North Carolina. It has many unique features. 


 Here is a presentation of 8 different native species to the Lockwoods Folly Watershed! 
  The Lockwoods Folly River. By: Phyllis Evans